Taking Down Winter
I love snow. I really do, and I must admit even this current snow has been beautiful to watch coming down, but the rest of my family is weary of it. Today, Julie declared her own personal end to winter.

About twelve years ago, a dear neighbor of ours on Berkshire Road gave us this blue


The snow village stays up until Julie changes the house over to “spring.” Today was the day.

The "set up" is like a very detailed train diorama without the train. It's a nice change of scenery for about three month, but now it's all packed away again until next November. March 17th it becomes official, but in the meantime, inside at least it's spring!
Here’s a tip: If you have a village and would like to add a touch of “realism” with some bare trees. I made those trees beside the blue house out of bundled fine stranded copper wire. Just gather wires of various diameters. Keep the sheathing on the bigger piece for the trunk and root base; force other narrower wires into the sheathing as you go up; slop hot glue on the whole thing for “bark.” Take the sheathing off the ends of the branches and untwist the wires into ever-smaller branches and twigs; dab hot glue wherever you need some “thickness” then paint and “frost” with white. If you click on that first picture of the blue house for a close-up, you'll even see a knot-hole in the trunk—that was a bit of empty wire sheathing pulled off from the branches. These two trees have heavy 2” washers on the bottom for weight and balance. Just think like a tree and it’s easy, but I will admit it takes about an hour a tree even after you know what you’re doing. [On an unrelated closing twang: My use of the words It Takes a Village should not be construed as a political endorsement for this Chicago-born New York senator who spoke this morning at a church in Kentucky where she could "just be herself". =) ] .
I'd rather leave the X-mas stuff on the mantle until spring--you know, the cottony-white snow and village--rather than have the real stuff outside that long. However, I understand, just because the weather isn't cooperating outside, doesn't mean it can't inside.
We woke up to some good news. The lake-effect inches they warned about did not happen so the driveway and roads are still clear from Saturday's work out. (I began qualifying snow removal as a "work out" when my snow blower stalled a few weeks ago. =)
Oh ye of many talents... trees using a glue gun, washers and wire! I continue to be amazed. Is your wife amazed too? Still no snow in NC, I just wanted one good snow but I'm like your wife... it is time for spring! Maybe next year.
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