I try to avoid politics at POI--at least until both parties officially choose their candidate, and I have a dog in the fight. I've found that it stirs up too many arguments between the friends who gather here to read my meager musings,

but a few hours ago I saw the
creepiest movie re-run on TV and
the actress in it bears a striking resemblance to a younger Hillary Clinton on her best “make over” day.

I’m not sure why I kept seeing this resemblance because this was not a political film.
The movie began with a background story about a husband who takes sexual advantage of unsuspecting women, and when four or five of them file complaints to the authorities, the wife of the cheating, lecherous man seeks revenge on the women her husband victimized—the movie focuses on one family in particular who at first is completely fooled by this woman’s smile and charm. They welcome her into their home as a nanny and sing her praises to their friends.
[These next two photos are both from 1992.]

What they don’t know is that this woman is not who she claims to be. She is completely manipulating their perception of reality. For instance, she stages events and even re-writes personal history to make herself look good. This lady creates problems that don't exist and then pretends to solve them—e.g. she secretly puts an earring in the baby's mouth so she can heroically take it out. She also plants false evidence to harm a black character who has earned the family's trust...and then acts surprised when it surfaces. She pretends to help
organize a party but it's all a selfish sham, a backdrop for what she thinks will be her crowning moment.
As she spins her web of deceit, it becomes obvious to the viewer (but not those closest to the woman) that this fiendish fraud will stop at nothing to get what she wants! No matter what else she destroys in the process.
The woman schemes to undermine the role of the wife and mother, and pretends to care for the children while scamming the man of the house. By the end of the movie, deception, lies, and even murder have nearly destroyed the family that was happy before this smiling female wolf-in-sheeps- clothing arrived. Not until it’s nearly too late does the family see through the never-fading smile and sweet talk of this conniving, pathological interloper whose campaign of terror on the home plummets in poetic justice with some help from the family's black friend. (A moment that bodes well for Obama... if art reflects life.)
It’s a super creepy story—very unsettling! Have you seen the movie? It’s called
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (borrowing from the
poetic maxim "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the

world.") The lead role is played all too well by
Rebecca DeMornay, who could someday be cast as Hillary Clinton if they ever adapted this film into a movie about her 2008 campaign.
All DeMornay would have to do is shift the ruthless ambition to "rock the cradle" to the second part of the old saying. The title could be
The Hand that Rules the World... or better yet...
Hillary Rocks! The more I watched the movie, the scarier the similarities became.

Like I said, I steer clear of politics here at POI. This is not a political film at all. It's an eye-opening tale of character, motives, manipulation, and the hazards of misplaced trust.
.[See Trailer here. If that won't open here are some video images from the movie (sorry they're not in English) and a short one here. Here are some video images of Senator Clinton for visual comparison. Avoid NYC Fireman next time, Adapt to friendly audiences, Try to talk tough, pretend your husband left a clean rug in the Oval Office, and Try to lighten up. [More about that cackle here and here.] If you need some more images to make the visual comparison, here are some longer clips about Hollywood connections of a different sort: Part 1 and Part 2. If you choose to rent this movie, get the edited-for-TV version, otherwise it may be flagged for objectionable language.The question Dems are settling for is: Can she win? The questions all other voters may ask eventually include these: Based on 35 years of documented public and private behavior, do the facts match the face?
Will the caring, smiling nanny that shows up on the White House porch be trustworthy when no one is looking or when someone gets in her way? Which part of "Clinton Déjà vu" will air when these re-runs begin?] Since I do not want to dwell on politics at POI, I will instead post relevant updates for those who may find them of interest:
. Update #1: 11-25-07. This article from a few weeks after this post seems to confirm some of the concerns above and in the comments below.""I think it's going to come down to: Do you really want Bill Clinton back in the White House?" said Donna Brazile, who ran Democrat Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign."
Update #2: 11-26-07. Hillary makes little girl cry in a New Hampshire diner. "Don't let her take me, Mommy." The kid must have seen the movie! (Just kidding. I made up what the 4-year-old said, but the incident actually happened.)Update #3: 11-28-07. This is what I'm talking about--it's re-run city! This article asserts that Hillary's run is all about Bill's "legacy." "Ladies and gentlemen," Clinton told 400 Iowans at the start of his three-city swing, "I have had a great couple of days out working for Hillary." In the next 10 minutes, he used the word "I" a total of 94 times and mentioned "Hillary" just seven times in an address that was as much about his legacy as it was about his wife's candidacy. Meanwhile some say CNN allowed Hillary to "plant" one of her supporters and co-chairmen into tonight's debate. Personally, I think this reflects far more on CNN than on the candidate who no doubt cackled about it. Update #4: 11-29-07. Peggy Noonan says at the bottom of this piece: "The second part of the inevitability problem is that once you seem no longer inevitable--once the polls stop rising or start to fall, once that air is out of the balloon and the thing that made everyone fall in line is gone--well, what do you do? If the main argument of your candidacy is you're inevitable and suddenly you're evitable, where does that leave you? .... What does Mrs. Clinton do when she's feeling angry? What has she done in the past? Goodness, this won't be pretty." Update #5: 12-10-07. "The concerns about Clinton, 60, a New York senator, are that she is devious, calculating and, fairly or not, a divisive figure in American politics. Those are a lot tougher to overcome. It was revealing, too, when Hart pushed them to envision these senators as leaders of the country or, as he put it, their ``boss.'' Obama, they say, would be inspirational, motivating, charismatic and compassionate. After praising Clinton's experience and intelligence, they say she would be demanding, difficult, maybe even a little scary." Update #6: This article explains Hillary's Glass House. "Let's take a trip down memory lane, to revisit a sampling of why so many of us came to think that Hillary's first instinct when in an embarrassing spot is to lie." Update #7: Hillary took a beating in Iowa and seems to be unraveling in New Hampshire. [Update on update... she ended up squeaking out a slim victory there.] Update #8: 2-8-08 In this article Peggy Noonan compares Hillary to Glen Close in Fatal Attraction. Ouch! But I think the comparison to the film above is even more perfect as metaphors go. Update #9: 2-13-08 If this is indeed a melt-down for the Clinton campaign, here is an inside explanation of which heads will roll and in what order. "...arrogance ... is the key to understanding all that has gone wrong for the Clinton campaign. Such arrogance led directly to the idea that Clinton could simply project an air of inevitability and be assured her party’s nomination. If she wins—as she very well might—it will be in spite of her original approach. As one former Clinton staffer put it to me last spring: “There was an assumption that if you were a major donor and wanted to be an ambassador, go to state dinners with the queen—unless you were an outright fool, you were going to go with Hillary, whether you liked her or not..." Update #10: 2-14-08 In this radio interview [On WMAL-AM, Chris] Plante asked about Sen. Clinton's reaction to the comments Shuster made about Chelsea being "pimped out" by the campaign….”
Said Clinton, slowly, "I think it was inappropriate for him... to refer ...to my daughter ….in the way he did." He went on, "Hillary never complains when people say things about her or me. But when he involved my daughter, she complained, and I think it was the right thing to do….She just stuck up for her daughter, and for girls everywhere, and women everywhere, and it’s about time somebody did ...." This strikes me as an interesting comment from the man who was not sticking up for [in this sense] Monica Lewinsky ten years ago. The Lewinsky's "daughter" Mr. Clinton repeatedly took sexual advantage of was about four years YOUNGER than Chelsea is today. Yes, I believe that stained blue dress put "under the rug" in 1998 is why some are still tripping over the thought of Bill in the White House again. America has continued distrust of the Clinton "package deal."
Update #11: 2-21-08: Here's what George Will has to say about Hillary's cries of "unfairness and her repeated claims of 35 years of experience. " [Cries of 'unfair'] are unpersuasive coming from someone from Illinois or Arkansas whose marriage enabled her to treat New York as her home, and the Senate as an entry-level electoral office (only 12 of today's senators have been elected to no other office) and a steppingstone to the presidency." [As to experience...] Well. She is 60. She left Yale Law School at age 25. Evidently she considers everything she has done since school, from her years at Little Rock's Rose law firm to her good fortune with cattle futures, as presidentially relevant experience.
The president who came to office with the most glittering array of experiences had served 10 years in the House of Representatives, then became minister to Russia, then served 10 years in the Senate, then four years as secretary of state (during a war that enlarged the nation by 33 percent), then was minister to Britain. Then, in 1856, James Buchanan was elected president and in just one term secured a strong claim to the rank as America's worst president. Abraham Lincoln, the inexperienced former one-term congressman, had an easy act to follow."
Update 12: 2-21-08: Here's an explanation of how Hillary ran out of money so fast. Update 13: 2-22-08: Ouch! This one asks "Why on earth would Democrats want to sign up for a second ride on the Clinton scandal train when they could opt for a clean slate candidate?...I believe there is a whole group of Democrats out there who are secretly enjoying being able to vote against a Clinton... without having to vote for a Republican to do it." Update 14: 3-20-08: March was a very eventful month. As Hillary lost a dozen primaries in a row to Obama. She fell about 150 delegates behind (before Obama's pastor problems surfaced, but by then it was probably too late). Hillary tried everything to get the Michigan and Florida "disqualified" primaries to count, and on March 19 she traveled to Michigan and gave them an impassioned speech abuot how deeply she believes their votes should count and she should get the delegates (since Obama was not on the ballot). She forgot that she had said this in Iowa last January. Update 15: 5-12-08 (I kept adding these updates to the old post for six months so as not to prompt political discussion on an on-going basis here at POI.) Here's what Peggy Noonan said about this weekend's events: "Mrs. Clinton spent this week making it clear. In a jaw-dropping interview in USA Today on Thursday, she said, '...Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."
White Americans? ... If John McCain said, "I got the white vote, baby!" his candidacy would be over. And rising in highest indignation against him would be the old Democratic Party.
To play the race card as Mrs. Clinton has, to highlight and encourage a sense that we are crudely divided as a nation, to make your argument a brute and cynical "the black guy can't win but the white girl can" is -- well, so vulgar, so cynical, so cold, that once again a Clinton is making us turn off the television in case the children walk by....She is trying to take Obama down in a new way, but also within a new context. In the past he was just the competitor. She could say, "All's fair." But now he's the competitor who is going to be the nominee of his party. And she is still trying to do him in. And the party is watching."
Tom, that's amazing. I have always felt that Rebecca DeMornay looked just like Hillary Clinton. It's good to see someone can see the resemblance too.
I saw that movie a few years ago, and it was very disturbing, wasn't it?
Nice try at staying out of politics Tom. lol
Alot to ponder here! You know, in regards to Hilary, I've always had an "uncomfortable" feeling about her. Ever notice her smiles don't reach her eyes??? I like your analogy here and I too won't really enter into a "political" conversation except for what I just shared. Love to read your thoughts here!
Tom- you are so funny... I always try to "read between the lines" in your writing. Some days, I think I have it figured out (like when your mom was pregnant and the kids were singing that silly ditty) and then other days, I think I am just putting words in your mouth (or head, or writing). I saw the movie and didn't think of Hilary but now you have me thinking.... ummm???
I had never noticed it until last night, and then WHAM! it began to crystallize as the character of the movie began wearing two faces. She was good...too good, and she could turn it on an off. They could almost be sisters.
Mark, As a Democrat friend, thank you for exercising restraint. =) You know I hate political shouting matches. Thanks for seeing this as merely an innocent film review. =)
If you study it as "art reflecting life" there really is a lot to consider--right up to the other guest in the family. Solomon, the likable African-American handymen (who was framed by the bad woman), comes back as the hero in the end.
Read between the lines? Whatever do you mean? This is simply a spontaneous film review from last night's viewing. =) Now that you mention it, I guess there could be some ironic similarities between art and real life. When you consider that this movie came out during Bill Clinton's first year as president... it really makes you go "Hmmmmmmm..."
hi tom, the only movie i won't watch is a scary movie so i'll take your word for it that the star & hillary look alike. i do think art reflects life; likewise i think life reflects art. that's one of the things i constantly say.
Thank you for not taking offense. =)
It's not scary in the typical sense of the word. It's just very unsettling that this character will stop at nothing to get what she wants and for most of the movie people can't see that she is not the sweet smiling face that she paints on to "con" those around her. This character, Peyton, seems to be able to snap into whatever personality the moment calls for. Thank heavens it's just a movie.
I have trouble reading between the lines butt somehow I don't think this blog was favorable to Hillary.
Dr. John,
I wasn't looking to right a "read between the lines" post. The resemblance of these two famous ladies really was striking (Josie saw it years ago). I heard just today that though Hillary leads most of the Democratic poles, she lags far behind in likeability and voter trust. The reasons for that go back to the time this movie was first released.
She has the most to gain and lose in tomorrow night's debate. She must avoid being the victimized woman in the “boys club,” the shrill screamer in the womens’ club, the cackling evader, and the strident stumper all at the same time. That's a tall order.
You may have seen on Josie's blog a few weeks ago that someone had done the math and if Hillary Clinton were to be elected as President and if she served two full terms, America would have been under the leadership of a Bush or a Clinton for 28 years (36 if you count the GHW Bush Vice Presidency). Regardless of what one thinks of any of these folks, it may be time to give another family a shot at it.
Now if you could find someone that resembles The Shrub Jr., then I'd be totally pleased. Anyone dare take a stab at who he might look like?
There is a guy who is a dead ringer for him. They look like identical twins. He's got the voice down, too. Did you ever see this clip at:
I have to remember that there are people who really like Senator Clinton from New York, who do not see her as calculating and scheming. Just as there are those who admire President Bush and those who don't, Hillary is strongly polarizing, but her supporters are banking on the fact that those who trust her outnumber those who don't. Time will tell.
Thanks for stopping by and for avoiding politics with me. =)
Dr. John,
I did mean to write "write" in that first sentence to you...
I must "of" had righter's block wen I tiped that las nyte.
I'm of the age where one voted for a person due to their character, their experience AND the fact that they might be able to do the job. THEN there was also a respect (of that person) that was given. I think that (in the respect area at least) this began to disappear when Nixon was caught and left office disgraced.
Now it's hard to watch the "applicants" for the highest job in the country preen and pace before us---trying to woo us to make our bids. I happen to live in one of the most liberal areas of the country (and I'm a conservative)....so it will be "interesting" these next months leading up to 11/08's election! As they say in my neck of the woods..."UFFDA!!!"
Too funny! I saw this movie years ago around the time that it first came out and my husband and I were just discussing it again about a week ago. I never really thought of comparing Hillary with Rebecca De Mornay, but now that you bring it up, it is kind of freaky. I'm not sure I will be able to look at this movie the same way again. LOL
Well put. The older I get the more disillusioned I get with most of the political scene.
UFFDA, eh? I had to google that. I was afraid it was an acronym for "Until Father Forbids, Don't Ask" or some such thing. =) I was relieved to learn it was a very acceptable Norwegian term comparable to "Yikes!" or Charlie Brown's "Good Grief!"
Thanks for your thoughts!
I had seen it on TV a few years ago, too, but the similarities did not jump out at me at the time. I guess it's because we've been seeing and hearing so much about Hillary lately.
I love your definition for UFFDA...how funny!!! I'm from MN where there is a plethora of Scandavians and UFFDA is something people seem to pick up even if that isn't their ethneticity.
I should have given an explanation but now with your comment, I'm glad I didn't. LOL!!!!
Love, love, love your blog!!!!!
I've never I.M.ed in my life, but Uffda! this is pretty close. Only a few minutes apart.
Now that I know you're in MN, I'm glad I included Charlie Brown in my comment. We used to live in Iowa and we considered a trip up to your area a real treat--Twin Cities, Mall of America, Chanhassen Dinner Theater, snow skiing. We loved it up there. I'll bet I can guess the common link we have in the blogosphere. Is it Nitty Gritty?
Well I'm going to step out here and admit...I'm "from" MN but now live in WI. but am a MN person at heart! Love the state and wish we still lived there but alas...
All those places you mentioned makes me home-sick!
Yup we do have the "nitty gritty" link in common. Read both or your blogs fairly regularily...though I've not succumbed to being a blogger myself....yet.
So now you're sandwiched between MN and MI. Our wolverines beat your gophers but alas, your badgers beat our wolverines last week. We'll forgive you for that. =) Tomorrow is the big one!
By the way... I think you would enjoy blogging. When I said "well put" in that first comment, it was because you write well. That's all blogging is...writing drafts where people read them. Start slow... with what you know.
Tom, I know you intentionally didn't say anything like this but, when I see her on TV, I'd like to shout, "Will the real Hillary please reveal yourself!" I don't think we'll ever know what she truly has in mind, or what she's capable of until she has all the power she wants. Then it well may be too late to do anything about it.
Hi, Don,
In some ways she's better than Bill at it. She never bites her lower lip, but I don't know how long that laugh is going to work for her.
Hi Tom, I won't get too political over here but suffice it to say that Mrs. Clinton is much scarier than Rebecca Demornay. Given the time that the movie was made you have to wonder if the story line wasn't about Mrs. Clinton along with der schlickmeister husband of hers. It's very close indeed.
Tom in thirty plus years of voting I never voted a straight ticket until fat John's second term in office and the preachers nationwide started to politic from the pulpit.
Now I personally like for the moment Richardson from NM but would most likely support any Democrat in the general election if they can carry the house and senate with them, then there won't be as much ability for the Republican obstructionist politic of the 90's.
Personally I am tired of these family's that take on Politics as the family business, Bush, Clinton,and locally. Kilpatrick, Cavanaugh, Hackel. None of them it seems have the best interest of the nation in their agenda but rather how to enrich themselves or pay back them that paid for their office for them.
I really wonder the same thing. There are times when Hollywood seems to have an inside story: e.g. Three Mile Island/"The China Syndrome"; Monica/"Wag the Dog"; "Primary Colors" was after the fact and clearly based on reality rather than foreshadowing it. I do think this one was not planned, but if the shoe fits...
I didn't used to feel the way you mentioned. In fact, I was interviewed by Time Magazine in 1999 and said that I had many reasons for supporting then Governor Bush and one of them was that it would be nice to have two George Bush 'bookends' to help keep shut all the pulp fiction of the Clinton years," meaning the father's term on one end and the son's term on the other. At the time I was disgusted with the endless Clinton personal scandals and the carpet stains in the Oval Office. I suspect Hillary and her supporters are motivated in part by "getting the last laugh," too. And though I am not of their political stripe, "I get it."
I would welcome a person like Richardson by comparison to be the candidate. Odds are I'll be voting in the other camp, but if someone other than Hillary could earn the confidence of the Democratic party at least the schemes, scandals, script would be somewhat different, and the shrill strident shouting and insincere cackle will go back to NY. So I agree with you when it comes to dynasty politics--more especially when it comes to this husband-wife tag team.
I do agree with you that politics should not be in the pulpit, but it seems that rule does not apply when it comes to Democrats speaking in the pulpits of African-American churches (see link at friendly audiences). Start keeping track of which party campaigns from the pulpit and you might be surprised.
My main issue with Richardson on Thursday night was that all of his promises (e.g. all teachers will start at $40,000 first year out of college) require billions of dollars that don't exist without increased taxes. Throwing money at problems tends to make certain groups happy without solving the root cause of the real problems, but he does seem to be a likeable guy. My guess is that if Hillary gets the nod, her VP choice may be Richardson or Dodd.
Meanwhile, the field seems wide open on the other side of the aisle. Thanks for the constructive dialog, Mark.
Just for the record: I'm not a Hillary fan. I like Edwards.
Hillary just simply scares me. She can look as beautiful as a rose and I'll still say something smells funny.
Anyhoo, I haven't stopped by since Dr. John stopped having blog marathons - but am today to remind everyone:
"Roasting Dr. John Comment-athon".
It's nearing Dr. John's birthday and this year it falls on Thanksgiving! (November 22nd)
Last year we Roasted Dr. John and I've been thinking, what would be the perfect Birthday present for him this year?
COMMENTS!!!! Lots and lots of them! From those he knows, to those he doesn't know. From all over the world and throughout the blogosphere. Let's fill his inbox with Happy Birthdays.
How to do it: Be creative, he loves creativity. Post a blog on his birthday (Thanksgiving 11/22) dedicated to Dr. John and wishing him a Happy Birthday. Make Dr. John your "link of the day" and encourage your Bloggy Buds to stop by and leave him a comment and a Happy Birthday wish.
Perhaps, even getting them to join in on the fun! Create your own Pigeon Falls photoshop as you imagine it, a post on trains, design and describe the perfect fortress or dare to post your entire blog in Finnish.
Leave a linked PS note when you visit other blogs this day to guide peeps over to say Happy Birthday to a super fantastic guy.
Use your imagination and have fun with it. See 'ya next week!
After this post and comments I am looking forward to the posts in which you DO discuss politics. I think it will be lively and fun around POI. Which is what just the way I find here it- the majority of the time.
The funny thing is I don't know any Democrats who want Hillary. Her momentum is a mystery to many. I thought Edwards had a shot before that debate. He may still bounce back.
I think the rose analogy is good. Even when it looks good it doesn't smell right. It's not that she's a woman. I think we'll have a good female president in our lifetime...I'd just rather it not be this woman--too much baggage.
You must have been a teacher. Not only do you give us a fun assignment--you gave us many options on how to complete it. I used to like those kind of assignments and always chose the creative ones.
I'll try to leave a comment at Dr. John's that day.
Folks, I don't remember how I met Dr. John up in Michigan's U.P. but he is fun blog to read and networking new friends is his specialty.
I couldn't resist. As I was watching that movie, I thought of all the reports of how a certain lady has re-invented herself from Illinois to Arkansas to New York--now why did she become a senator in a state in which she never lived? Hmmmmm... All part of the game plan. The "right-wind conspiracy" as she used to call it, has nothing on her ability to scheme and leave the dirty work to her underlings. When they get caught (e.g. planting questions that make her look good) she acts like she's out of the loop when actually she has a long record of being a controlling micromanager who leaves nothing to chance.
Oops...I almost starting getting political for a minute. I don't want to do that. =)
Different anonymous here.
I have not decided who I want yet, but until thinking about some of these things Hillary was not ruled out. It is not because of this movei because I do not think she is that bad, but I forgot she was in the middle of all that junk in the nineties until Monica made me feel sorry for her. I think I blocked it out. A lot has happened since then.
Anon 2,
I think we all blocked that stuff out and I'd just as soon leave it that way, but if she gets the nomination I'm afraid what's been laid to rest will be exhumed, and like this movie it will be the people who remind us of the facts that will be "the bad guys" while the Clintons come out looking (but not smelling, as Margaret said) like roses. There is where the movie is eerily similar.
Anonymous 1 here! (LOL)
I wonder if we polled some Arkansas folks, what they would say about this election??!!
I remember quite well all the junk that was flying about in the 90's and remember that Vince guy (I think that was his name) who supposedly committed suicide and there was alot of "hush-hush" stuff regarding that! We forget "character" and it really does impact how a person lives and works. To me this is more important than what a person says.
Anon 1 in Wisconsin,
Yes, the Arkansas folks know... like that Republican candidate Governor Huckabee (I don’t know much about him yet), but he knows it first hand all too well. His name is sort of a handicap. President Huckabee? But I guess if President Obama is plausible, Huckabee may be okay if he gets that far.
I haven’t had time to get involved in any of the primaries yet. When I lived in Iowa, it was a lot of fun to get involved early and meet the candidates in person.
The man you’re remembering is Vince Foster. Sad. They found the body in one of DC's national parks. And later when missing papers suddenly showed up in the White House, they were papers that had something to do with the enormous "guilt" that they said led Foster to suicide. He was a close friend and confidant of Hillary. I really have no desire to rehash all that stuff and there was so much of it going on at the time.
Our government and unity as a country during this time needs a leader who is not motivated by rewriting history (or putting a new coat of varnish on the coffee rings of the past). I guess who the Democrats pick is up to them, but I would much prefer the thought that regardless of which party wins the White House it won't be a case of "Clinton Déjà vu."
Hillary needs more than support in the months ahead, she needs voters with amnesia.
Just to clear up a point I wasn't referring to the candidates in a church pulpit but the priests and reverends preaching politic to the congregation. Republicans also make church visits to their constituents which I have no problem with, it seems that both camps try to out religious their rivals, but a preacher is there to teach the word as God teaches them to rightly divide it not to spin it to a political message.
Well put, Mark.
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