Wonder Is

the meadow of the mind…
where God is kind enough
to let man find and walk
the common ground of
science and conscience—
the path between
what he thinks he is…
and what he knows he should be,
a place where quiet questions
are allowed…
and praise of answers
is aloud.
© Copyright 2000, TK, Patterns of Ink
Simply put,
thinking tests our grasp;
wondering tempts our reach.
We think about things
we know or hope to learn
and wonder about things
we may never understand.

While we assume
that knowledge trumps ignorance,
we dare not conclude
that certitude trumps wonder.
The opposite may be true.
Perhaps wondering is
our love language to God.
Perhaps wonder is our most
un-tampered-with form of worship.
Perhaps we never "know God" better
than when we are dizzied at
the thought of eternity
and the expanse of space;
when our hearts ache
with an unanswered "why?"
Perhaps when we feel
most lost, most orphaned, and when
His face is most inscrutable...
perhaps it's then
that crying, "Abba, Father"
most gladly bends
His holy ear.
© Copyright 2006, TK, Patterns of Ink
(To Chip and Jody at Nitty Gritty:
I don't know how people live and survive in this world without faith. I often wonder where I would be in life without my faith to hold me strong. I'm glad I've had a Savior to hold me in His hands when I'm too weak to stand on my own. And He gives peace that passes understanding even when I question and wonder. I hope I continue to be worthy of His unending mercy and grace in my life. I am humbled at how He works through anyone who is willing to open their hearts to Him. Thanks for your words as well.
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