Pulling Together Wins Wars
In the final presidential debate, moderator Bob Schieffer observed that after 9/11, the country came together as he’d never seen it come together since World War II, but added that it’s since become pretty polarized because of politics. He was right on both accounts. On 9/11, Americans too young to remember Pearl Harbor learned how it felt to have their nation viciously attacked in acts of war. At first we were united by shock and grief, but our tears soon turned to stony resolve. In the days that followed, the descendants of what Tom Brokaw called “The Greatest Generation” suddenly knew for the first time an aching patriotism—the kind that makes generations willing to fight bravely so the next may live freely.
The months that followed saw incredible bi-partisan support for every well-planned, determined step we took in defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan and Iraq’s regime of thugs. This nation and the Iraqi people cheered as Saddam’s statues fell and exuberant citizens dragged and rode them through crowded streets. We rejoiced that Sunday morning when a scraggly bum was finally found cowering in his presidential spider hole. We were optimistic when the interim Iraqi government took charge of its own government last summer, and when the Afghanis conducted historic elections this month.
And though the Duefler Report concluded that there were no longer stockpiles of WMD in Iraq, it also exposed that the UN sanctions were a sham and the inspections would have been an endless game of cat and mouse had we not taking control of Iraq. We had a ruthless tyrant shaking a gun in our face for years; when he refused to put the gun down, we took him by force and eventually determined that the gun wasn’t loaded. That doesn’t mean that those who warned that he was armed and dangerous were liars, nor does it mean we shouldn’t have taken him down. There is only one reason that the media and Democrats will not admit the obvious success of our current efforts: as Schieffer suggested, the post 9/11 “pulling together” was a threat to someone’s political purposes.
Here’s what I suppose the DNC was thinking as their primaries finally extruded a candidate: If the war effort is successful, Bush’s re-election is as sure as FDR’s during WWII. We need a candidate who can make us feel like this is “Viet Nam all over again.” We need John Kerry. After all, the senator began his political career as the smooth-tongued spokesman for hoarse-throated activists, war protestors, flag burners, and medal throwers. Just think of what he can do for us!
And so their choice was made. No one questions Kerry’s credentials as a war protestor. What hundreds of Viet Nam vets did question when they learned that Kerry shot countless reels of 8mm home movies starring himself while in Nam was this: “Why didn’t he use his movie camera to document the atrocities that he said ‘occurred on a day-to-day basis’? Where did he hide this heroic footage when he came home to say we were all war criminals? How dare he salute us in his speech and wear with pride the honor he stole from us back then?” The understandable indignation of vets and POWs may explain why Kerry soon dropped his “Reporting for Duty” theme, and turned his fire directly at President Bush and our military leaders.
During WWII, the morning after the allied invasion at Normandy literally changed the tides of war on D-Day, imagine a politician announcing that 10,000 American soldiers had died in that day’s “colossal miscalculation.” Imagine a candidate rebuking FDR for “taking his eye off the ball” for going after Hitler and the Nazis in Europe when it was Hirohito in Japan who attacked us. And nine months later, imagine the public outcry if, instead of the picture of the Marines hoisting our flag on Iwo Jima, a stumping senator held up a picture of some of the 7,000 Americans who died to gain that strategic island and declared, “Wrong battle. Wrong island. Wrong time!” Such demoralizing defeatism would not have been whispered 60 years ago, and I suspect it will backfire on Kerry in November.
There are many issues in this election, but they all depend on our national security and ultimate victory in the war on terror. Senator Kerry, this is not Viet Nam. As for me, I’m joining the 75% of our men and women in uniform who USA Today reports will cast their votes to keep President Bush as their Commander in Chief.
The division occured long before the Iraq War started.
Was the USA PATRIOT Act "well-planned" and "determined?" You would be hard pressed to find a single lawmaker who read the thing before they passed it. Did some of it have to do with terrorism? Sure. Did most of it? Not really. What did it have to do with? A long wish list of FBI types. Was it true that DIA couldn't hire bad people anymore? Nope, the CIA could still hire a mass-murderer, as they, and the FBI, have done many times before. Only under the pre-USA PATRIOT Act rules, they had to go to a senior CIA person to do it.
There was not strong bipartisan support for the Iraq War.
The largest protest in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD was against the Iraq War.
The Iraq War was a sham, and I knew it. I cringed every time I heard Bush tell another lie, and another, and another. I knew there were no WMD. I had done the research.
That you didn't know, well, I can't speak for you.
Hey... I found your blog on Hugh Hewitt's site... I have an account on here too, although I don't work my blog very well. Stop by and tell me what you think :)
Orphan comments. That's what I call comments that I failed to see when they were "born" (posted months after I wrote the piece). I just saw these for the first time on November 1, 2006. Sorry Josh and Reaganesque. Josh, you say, "I had done the research." Wow! You must have some pretty high level access to faulty information, because as you now know there is overwhelming evidence that the WMD were indeed there--that is not to say that "bad intel" is not a reality of the war on terror. Trusting the messenger is also a reality. I'm so glad Kerry did not get elected. He said this week: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." Spoken like a true "Commander in Chief." I'm glad his foot is in his mouth and not in the White House.
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